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We welcome you to join and worship with us every week!

English service begins at 9:30am on Sundays 10340 Bubb Road, Cupertino CA

Parking: There is a parking available around the perimeter of the building as you enter in on Bubb Road. Several spots are designated for visitors near the front entrance of the building next to the outdoor playground.

Stop by the welcome booth: As you walk up the stairs you will be greeted by our welcome team. Please grab a nametag and fill out a newcomer’s card for us to get to know you.

Our HOC5 children’s ministry is led by many dedicated staff and volunteers. Children in 1st grade to 5th grade will have the opportunity to worship with other kids their age, sing songs and learn about teachings in the Bible through games and activities (Building A, Children’s Chapel).

When you arrive, check-in at the welcome desk kiosk where an attendant will be available for questions regarding the check-in process and about our Children’s program.

Families with children 3 years old to kindergarten meet in Building B, Room A4

Families with infants and toddlers under 3 years old are able to participate with the rest of the congregation in our nursery room, adjacent to the Children’s Chapel.

Kids Chapel and Nursery

Sunday School

Middle School Sunday School | 11:15am-12:15pm, Bldg A Room B7

High School Sunday School | 11:15am-12:15pm, Bldg A Room B6