Dear Love Meal Ministry partners, participants, and supporters,
At the start of the pandemic, the leaders of HOC5 saw the need to care for our church community as well as our neighbors. Through prayer and preparation, the vision became a reality in the summer of 2020. For more than 18 months the Love Meal Ministry served hundreds of families and tens of thousands of meals were served. We are so thankful to our God for giving us leadership that was quick to respond to the need, partners who served tirelessly, participants who welcomed us into their homes, and supporters who prayed and gave sacrificially.
As Covid19 restrictions eased, the church leadership prayed and reflected on the future of the Love Meal Ministry. We have come to the conclusion that we will shift our focus to support individual needs and the Love Meal Ministry will serve its final meal on Thursday, March 31st, 2022. We hope this will give everyone time to transition to other forms of meal planning as well as for those experiencing hardship to apply for individual hardship support. If you are experiencing hardship caused by the pandemic please reach out to and we will forward your request to our Benevolent Fund Committee.
May God's love and power continue to be with you!
On behalf of the church leaders,
Pastor Jim
在Covid19疫情開始時,基督五家的牧長們看到教會家人們和社區鄰居生活上的需要,經過禱告和預備,愛心餐事工在 2020年的夏天實現。在過去18多個月的時間裡,愛心餐事工為數百個家庭提供了上萬頓晚餐。我們非常感謝神賜給我們充滿愛心的牧長,幕後準備晚餐的同工,打開家門的參與者,以及為事工禱告、奉獻的支持者。